Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Transportation in Austin

         Taxi riding has been a safe, convenient and regulated U.S tradition. It has provided a safe ride to the public and it also has supported diver’s families a decent living. The City of Austin had needed more Taxi on the road, since Austin is a growing city. In the last two years, a great number of Apps based ride companies, mainly Uber and Left has added a number of ride providers ten times the number needed to satisfy the need of riders so they can get home.

Considering that the taxi drivers have to be finger printed and obtain a driving record through D.M.V, as well as having to pass a new city test and pay a yearly fee, which is administrated by the city. The new App based ride companies do not have to do any of those. As a result, a person might get in to a stranger's vehicle that has no company name or sign or a plate to signify that he or she should get in to. That vehicle could have a driver with bad intentions who is not with any of these App based company. The riding person could be in trouble because he/she does not have any information about the car that they get in like the other regulated company.

The large number of new ride providers, has taken a large bite of the Taxi industry which has left the reliable taxi driver with less than the usual income to about half of it. This situation has pushed a great number of the taxi ride providers to seek government help. That means not only the Taxi providers had paid the price but also the State of Texas has to pay to compensate for the driver’s living because the City of Austin has allowed them to operate in the city streets. It is imperative that the City of Austin should push to make equal regulation to all, so it can be equal to all. As of now, there are no regulations on any of the App based ride companies.
I think that the City of Austin should banned the App ride based companies or push to regulate them the same as the legally approved Taxi companies.
what do you think?

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