Wednesday, April 1, 2015

                                                                       USA Border

The reality is, American workers are not prioritized in the President’s immigration actions, which are first and foremost about rewarding illegal aliens with work permits, so they can compete with U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents for jobs, so American workers could lose their jobs for immigrants. Obama’s wreckless disregard for the economic well-being of American workers is also making our communities less safe and our nation less secure, so it would increase crimes, as he has failed to uphold even his own limited immigration enforcement priorities.
There have been concerns over pressure on services such as education and schools, while many workers say their wages are being driven down by foreign employees.USA government should make an immediate action for illegal immigrant being in the USA, either to investigate their status and run background check on them and choose the best of who can benefit and improve the country’s workforce , make them legal so they start work, pay taxes and stop getting benefits from the government, this issue could drain federal funds.
USA government should work harder to fix this problem in a way that secures the border, as long as the border’s not secure more immigrants will keep coming. If the borders left half closed it would make us more vulnerable to terrorism and daily violence.  
The USA government should improve legal immigration and respects rule of law and then welcome and improve the living for legal immigrants.
I think that the congress only can fix issues and pass bills regarding this issue, they should conduct more money to make the border more secure or change the legal immigration system.

1 comment:

  1. I have always lived in states where the issue of border control was not only talked about, but experienced first-hand. In California I lived just a couple hours away from the Mexico border and now in Texas I am still relatively close. My initial thoughts on the issue of border control reflected those of classmate's Aycheh Abuheit. I feared for the job security of Americans who would face competition in the job market and I resented paying taxes knowing full and well that there are people living in this country who will never do the same. My beliefs on this issue have since changed.

    First off, I would like acknowledge that I have seen our borders having driven from California to Texas. At times there are walls with high security and at times there is a generic fencing that slowly trails off until there is no barrier at all. I feel like our disjointed border is an apropos metaphor for American’s views on immigration. We have people who absolutely resent it, who want higher walls and greater, more menacing security. And then we have people who really aren’t sure, and then those who see no need in building fences. From an immigrant’s perspective it can be confusing.

    This brings me to another topic, which is that of our illegal immigrants. Not every illegal immigrant traversed the Mexican border or swam across the ocean. There are hundreds of thousands of people (illegally) living in America who have come from other countries. To ignore this fact or to focus only on the Hispanic population who have immigrated here, transforms the topic into an issue of race. Also, not every immigrant coming over is only qualified for jobs in agriculture and labor. I do respect when American’s defend our blue collar workers, and I feel like we should defend them every day, not just when the issue of border control is discussed. The fact of the matter is that there are intelligent, industrious foreigners who have come to America and in doing so are making our lives better.

    An example of this is evident in my own family. My cousins were living in America illegally because it was not safe for them to live in Guatemala (where my grandmother has been held at gunpoint multiple times). My cousins are intellectually gifted and my relatives saw the need for them to live in a country where they could receive an education and not fear for their lives. They are now legal citizens and emergency-room doctors in Texas and Florida.

    Not every immigrant can contribute to this country the way my cousins have, but not every natural-born citizen can either. I submit to those who resent immigration and favor more secure borders, the question of how they got here. How did your ancestors get to America? America was founded on immigrants (who took this country away from the Native Americans and Mexicans) and I doubt that there will ever come a time when the allure of our nation’s independence and freedom will not seem appealing to immigrants. Our country is a safe haven and a dream for many people coming over. There are better ways for protecting our citizen’s rights than to cut ourselves off from the rest of the world. I believe we need to advocate better treatment and more pay for American workers while also making the qualifications for attaining American citizenship less stringent so that people see the benefits of becoming citizens, instead of remaining undocumented. Lastly, I would like add that I cannot think of anything more American, than an individual deciding to leave their country and come to America, facing all costs, in order to better their lives.


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