Local, national and international laws manufactured to orderly control the public to sustain all governing bodies, companies and well being, which makes it easier for their people's daily life.
Immigration, is a valid problem to many countries with good and strong economies especially the united state of America, from people who is seeking a better life from other countries with bad economies and insecure life or demanding a high level of education.
United states Justice Department asked for stay to allow immigration action by Obama's administration. If a stay is not granted, it would have a great affect on the homeland security, as the department agreed "irreparable harm" as in the justice department argument.
Obama's administration reacted by pushing congressional republicans to fund the home land security and also can help 4.7 millions un documented people who they were been living in the united states of America illegally.
United states district Judge Andrew Hanen said "undocumented immigrants would be accountable for following the law and paying taxes," also united states of America white house spokes man Josh Ernest said that, it's moving further in the direction of amnesty.
Obama's administration has given Hanen the OK to approve the stay for every state but Texas which could harm this state specifically.
Officials filled an appeal on Monday to the fifth circuit court of appeals.
In the end weather things work out or not, it's the people who benefits or loose.
Politicians have sweet touch for head budding in going against each other pretending for the public good. Immigration and other issues has been a big crunch on the public and economy.
Immigrants move to improve livelihood and their families. Improving one's field does not mean that neighboring fields would improve on their own without the same done to the field.
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